The Wretch decides Leprosy should not stop his Cartoon work . He hopes to get his old job back in the Daily Pits ..
Will Retch’s Covid Plague Journal Its not true the Prime Minister has the Coronavirus – Now listen to his-Buggah . !!!
Kruz-T the gets thrown among the Pigeons Kruz-T is too much about Peace and Love for violence against the Harmless ..
Three Devils be .. Hipster 1 – Forsooth , Woe is me ,These three Devils be ! Hipster 2 – I am well afraid ! Hipster3 – Eeeeww ..!! — the Retort — Cadaver 1-I was well fair ,now I find myself served up for worms .-Cadaver2- I was pretty too, but now the very Slugs disdain me ..-Cadaver 3- I’m not a corpse ! I’m Keith Richards from the Stones !!
Will Retch’s Covid Plague Journal The British People love Law and Order , The Lockdown gives them plenty ..